Android Bingo Sites - the trend for online bingo sites these days

Android Bingo Sites – the trend for online bingo sites these days – access via your Smartphone!

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There are heaps of great Android bingo sites that have launched recently where you can have loads of the same bingo treats on offer wherever you are! You no longer need to be chained to a desktop to get your bingo fix!

Browser Based Android Apps

Although they may seem similar browser based android apps and downloadable android apps are actually quite different. For starters the browser app involves HTML pages that have been slimmed down to work with a mobile and touch screen display.

Apps on the other hand install everything into your phone rather than having to render it on a browser; apps will also download content that you can access offline without any internet connection whatsoever. However both come with their own pros and cons, the browser for example instantly allow you to access your content, whilst apps require that you download and install the app first before you can do anything.

There’s also an issue of compatibility, browsers can be accessed across a range of different devices whereas the downloadable apps can be a bit temperamental depending on the device you’re using. Browsers are also regularly updated by the owners whereas apps require the user to physically check for updates and to sit and download a subsequent update.

However the downloadable apps have quite a number of benefits, for one they are better for gaming as they load the games quicker and the apps can also be personalised to cater to a user’s specific tastes. Apps can also use extra features of your device for gameplay such as motion controls or the inbuilt camera or microphone.

Finally Apps often require no online connection to run, so you could play your favourite games without any connection, whereas with browsers you need to have a stable connection to load a single page. Overall both have their flaws and positive aspects and what one you decide to choose is all down to personal tastes.

Real Money Apps vs Just for Fun

The main difference between the just for fun and ‘real money’ apps is that the ‘just for fun’ are played for a good time and players don’t take the game seriously and the ‘real money’ games are played with one goal in mind, to make money as fast as possible. Most of the ‘just for fun’ games have social media compatibility, so you can share your scores, victories and good times with your friends over your Facebook newsfeed.

The ‘Just for fun’ apps will also occasionally have free android bingo tournaments for real cash, although it’s never for large amounts with most having a jackpot of £10 at most. Then there’s the ‘real money’ apps, these are played far more seriously and involve real cash being wagered for an expected return of larger amounts.

‘Real money’ apps have a bit of an extra bonus in that they tend to have more games available for you to play for a bit of variety. Overall ‘just for fun’ apps are great for introducing you to bingo for android, but if you really want to earn cash then you should switch to a ‘real money’ bingo app for android.

Android Bingo vs iPhone Bingo

Androids have larger screens giving you a bigger surface and better resolution. Some devices also load games faster than iPhones. However they have compatibility problems with certain websites and games, but that depends on the type of device you’re using.

iPhones can play the latest games without worrying about this problem. Although their downside is that the screens are smaller and the resolution isn’t as great. So here you have it – the full scoop on Android bingo apps & sites. Go on, play and enjoy!

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